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October 2019


The newsletter from ProCork

Extra Points from a Wine Critic for ProCork and the Chemical Proof as to Why?


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Jean-Marc Quarin, the highly respected independent Bordeaux wine critic, in a blind tasting in 2019 gave Chateau de la Dauphine 2009 which was protected with ProCork 88 points. That is an extra 1-3 points compared to the points he gave to the same wine tasted at the same time but bottled instead with natural cork. 


Quarin noted that the use of natural cork induces a flatter, shorter character, while ProCork induces longer, longer-lasting, mouth-breaking stimulation of tannins, with a fuller body, an ever-younger fruitiness and a more pronounced savory character.


The loss of the “fuller body and younger fruitiness” to “flatness and shorter character” are classic symptoms of premature oxidation.


Not for the first time the use of ProCork has delivered a higher score and just to prove that there is something substantial going on we also sent the wine to a leading perfume laboratory in France, Sensenet, to find out what chemical change was being detected by Jean-Marc Quarin’s sensory skill.





Less oxidation in the wine using ProCork is exactly the difference Sensenet discovered in the chemical makeup of the wine. In their words…“Focusing on the wine oxidation chemical markers acetaldehyde, acetic acid and ethyl acetate we showed that the Procork wine contains lower concentrations of those oxidation compounds. All those three markers are known to negatively impact the wine flavour. We can assume the Procork membrane applied on the cork impacts cork porosity and oxygen supply to the wine, leading to lower concentrations of oxidation markers in the wine.”


So the chemical analysis proves the wine critics nose and ratings and explains why ProCork wines are getting the higher scores.


With ProCork closures, the wine critic or consumer alike, receive the wine you made in the condition you intended it to be rather than pre-maturely oxidized or altered by compounds extracted from the cork. This is a straight forward decision that you can make today…simply by using ProCork to protect the hard work you have already put into making your wine.


If you want to make sure your prized vintages are future proofed contact ProCork and find out about our introductory offer available for a short time only. 





Contact: Dr Gregor Christie

Ave Santiago 84  

Rio Meao Portugal      




© 2024 Procork Pty Ltd

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